Monday, May 18, 2020

From Las Vegas, the super moon is also pink?

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These are crazy times everyone is living in. The COVID-19 pandemic has swept all over the world with disastrous effects. Economies are crumbling. Millions of people are losing income, while thousands more are, sadly, leaving all too soon. Even Las Vegas, America's favorite playground, has not been spared from the wrath of the virus.

However, as everyone struggles to cope with the new normal, people such as Stacey Tokunaga believe that there are still uplifting things that people can focus on such as those found in the beauty of nature.

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Stacey mentions that back in April, Las Vegas saw one of the most enchanting sights it had seen in a year full of disasters – the supermoon. With the moon being closer to Earth than it will ever be in 2020, the heavenly body captured everyone's attention as it illuminated the skies covering the Las Vegas Valley.

It also lived up to its other name – the pink moon, as it took on a light shade of reddish white.

During this time, the moon was 17,000 miles closer to Earth than its usual distance, which explains why it was 30% brighter than usual. And what enthralls Stacey Tokunaga even more was the fact that with the various times she looked out from her window that night, the moon was still there, until sunrise.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The literally jaw-dropping home-style pizza in Las Vegas

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Stacey Tokunaga is extremely excited every time she gets the opportunity to go out on the town and try different types of food in Las Vegas. The one advantage foodies have in such a global and eclectic town is the endless selection of world-renowned favorites.

For this blog, Stacey Tokunaga aims to make readers everywhere hungry by exploring the literally jaw-dropping home-style pizza in Las Vegas.

It may come as a surprise to many that the pizza makers in Las Vegas are actually a tight-knit community of people who are passionate about what they do. They share what they know and help each other succeed. In fact, most of the pizza makers believe that this mutual admiration, respect, and support of one another is the secret ingredient of their success.

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Over the past decade, the pizza industry in Las Vegas has flourished. With the influx of pizzaiolos (another name for pizza makers) and the dedication of Las Vegas' own pizza kings, pizzas of the city have evolved to challenge the greatest pizzas found all over the world.

In addition to the influence brought in by touring pizza makers, the best and brightest pizza makers in town have formed the Las Vegas Pizza Alliance, making the community stronger. With several events centering on pizzas organized by the Alliance, residents such as Stacey Tokunaga can look forward to enjoying the best pizzas the world has to offer.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Looking back at how the Las Vegas Lights mascot played Cupid

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Stacey Tokunaga loves every event in Las Vegas. Every time a special occasion or holiday rolls up, she makes it a point to find about all the wonderful things that the city has in store for tourists and residents alike. One such event happened only a few weeks ago.

As everyone in Las Vegas knows, one of the most popular teams in the city (and the state for that matter) is the Las Vegas Lights Football Club. And to give back to its fans, especially those in love, the organization offered something extra romantic last Valentine’s Day.

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For $99, lucky fans of Lights FC bought the club’s Valentine’s Day treat, which included a rose (long-stem), a llama plush, an official team scarf, and a pair of tickets to the first home game of the season, which will take place this March 14 at 7:30 PM.

In addition to all this, Cash the Soccer Rocker, the Las Vegas Lights FC’s only mascot, made the deliveries which were packaged as gifts. The mascot himself toured the entire Las Vegas Valley, delivering the packages.

This event is just one of the many which Stacey Tokunaga is excited for.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Nevada Department of Transportation installs wrong way prevention signs

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Driving on the wrong side of the road can range from a traffic nuisance or downright suicidal depending on where you are driving. For the Nevada Department of Transportation and local law enforcement, this problem occurs way too often than it should, bringing headaches as well as genuine risk to the road. Las Vegas locals such as Stacey Tokunaga believe that something should be done to curb this situation.

Thankfully, the Nevada Department of Transportation has come up with a great solution to the problem. Their answer is to install interactive road signs equipped with cameras and sensors. This solution was placed just a day after a fatal wrong way crash that killed the at-fault driver. The accident also caused a 10-hour delay on the northbound lanes of I-15, according to Stacey Tokunaga.

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The interactive sign works by reacting to motions when someone is driving on the wrong side of the road enters on the off-ramp. If it detects this, it flashes a series of beacon lights to get the driver’s attention to read the big WRONG WAY signage. And if the driver goes past the signage, the sign alerts traffic personnel who can then notify law enforcement for them to respond. Stacey Tokunaga thinks that the two-way system is a good measure for both lucid drivers as well as those who could be under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances.

With this new safety roadside feature, accidents such as the incident in I-15, as well as other major highways, can be reduced. The Nevada Department of Transportation is confident that this new technology can help curb the number of wrong side-driving motorists and minimize accidents caused by this mistake.