Monday, February 3, 2020

Nevada Department of Transportation installs wrong way prevention signs

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Driving on the wrong side of the road can range from a traffic nuisance or downright suicidal depending on where you are driving. For the Nevada Department of Transportation and local law enforcement, this problem occurs way too often than it should, bringing headaches as well as genuine risk to the road. Las Vegas locals such as Stacey Tokunaga believe that something should be done to curb this situation.

Thankfully, the Nevada Department of Transportation has come up with a great solution to the problem. Their answer is to install interactive road signs equipped with cameras and sensors. This solution was placed just a day after a fatal wrong way crash that killed the at-fault driver. The accident also caused a 10-hour delay on the northbound lanes of I-15, according to Stacey Tokunaga.

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The interactive sign works by reacting to motions when someone is driving on the wrong side of the road enters on the off-ramp. If it detects this, it flashes a series of beacon lights to get the driver’s attention to read the big WRONG WAY signage. And if the driver goes past the signage, the sign alerts traffic personnel who can then notify law enforcement for them to respond. Stacey Tokunaga thinks that the two-way system is a good measure for both lucid drivers as well as those who could be under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances.

With this new safety roadside feature, accidents such as the incident in I-15, as well as other major highways, can be reduced. The Nevada Department of Transportation is confident that this new technology can help curb the number of wrong side-driving motorists and minimize accidents caused by this mistake.

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