Monday, May 18, 2020

From Las Vegas, the super moon is also pink?

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These are crazy times everyone is living in. The COVID-19 pandemic has swept all over the world with disastrous effects. Economies are crumbling. Millions of people are losing income, while thousands more are, sadly, leaving all too soon. Even Las Vegas, America's favorite playground, has not been spared from the wrath of the virus.

However, as everyone struggles to cope with the new normal, people such as Stacey Tokunaga believe that there are still uplifting things that people can focus on such as those found in the beauty of nature.

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Stacey mentions that back in April, Las Vegas saw one of the most enchanting sights it had seen in a year full of disasters – the supermoon. With the moon being closer to Earth than it will ever be in 2020, the heavenly body captured everyone's attention as it illuminated the skies covering the Las Vegas Valley.

It also lived up to its other name – the pink moon, as it took on a light shade of reddish white.

During this time, the moon was 17,000 miles closer to Earth than its usual distance, which explains why it was 30% brighter than usual. And what enthralls Stacey Tokunaga even more was the fact that with the various times she looked out from her window that night, the moon was still there, until sunrise.

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